package scales.xml.xpath

import scales.utils._
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

import scales.xml.{Elem, Attributes, Attribute, XCC, XmlItem, XmlPath, AttributeQName, ScalesXml, text, UnprefixedQName}

import scales.xml.impl.EqualsHelpers

/** Simple container for keeping relationship between the parent and attribute */
case class AttributePath(attribute: Attribute, parent: XmlPath)

case class XmlPathComparisoms(path: XmlPath) {
  import ScalesXml.xmlpathText
  def ===(other: String) = text(path) == other

case class AttributePathComparisoms(path: AttributePath) {
  import ScalesXml.attribPathText
  def ===(other: String) = text(path) == other

/** Attributes that have been selected */
case class AttributePaths[PT <: Iterable[XmlPath]](attributes: Iterable[AttributePath], path: XPathInfo, cbf: CanBuildFrom[PT, XmlPath, PT]) {
  import scales.xml.impl.EqualsHelpers.toQName
  /** Parents of the attributepaths */
  def \^(): XPath[PT] = new XPath[PT](path.copy(nodes = List(, cbf)

  // the following are to provide similar chained predicates as expected by me and the spec

  def *@(pred : AttributePath => Boolean) : AttributePaths[PT] =
    AttributePaths(attributes.filter { pred(_) }, path, cbf)

  /** Special case for AttributeQNames, only local and namespace match */
  def *@(attrQName : AttributeQName) : AttributePaths[PT] =
    *@({ attributePath : AttributePath => toQName( =:= toQName(attrQName) })

  /** Loose match for UnprefixedQNames only, only matches local and namespace */
  def *@(qname : UnprefixedQName) : AttributePaths[PT] =
    *@({ attributePath : AttributePath => toQName( =:= qname })

   * Some if there is one, else none
  def one: Iterable[AttributePath] = if (attributes.size != 1) Nil else

   * Some if there is one, else calls handler (allows decisions based on more than one etc.
  def oneOr(handler: Iterable[AttributePath] => Iterable[AttributePath]) = if (attributes.size == 1) else handler(attributes)

  def ===( textValue : => String ) = 
    *@( a => a.attribute.value == textValue )

 * XPaths need sorting upon unions etc, and duplicate filtering on \^ parents
case class XPathInfo(nodes: Iterable[Iterable[XmlPath]], mustBeSorted: Boolean = false, filterDuplicates: Boolean = false, initialNode: Boolean = false, eager : Boolean = false, direct : Boolean = false)

 * In contrast to the specs reverse axis are not supported.  This puts
 * an extra effort on the user for translating, but I don't agree with
 * the design anyway.  It adds both ambiguity for an embedded dsl:
 * //a:ShouldRedeclare/../text()[5]/preceding-sibling::text()[1]
 * is in reverse order (above is previousSibling in Path), whereas
 * (//a:ShouldRedeclare/../text()[5]/preceding-sibling::text())[1]
 * is in doc order (the first text child of the parent).  Such an arbritary decision does nothing but irritate.  A simpler design as found in this implementation is that the user can simply use full scala data functions to reverse as needed.
 * (Temptation is to provide the base type as SeqLike instead of Iterable as it should be in a sequence with a defined order, also then providing .reverse and friends)
class XPath[PT <: Iterable[XmlPath]](val path: XPathInfo, val cbf: CanBuildFrom[PT, XmlPath, PT]) extends ElementStep with OtherNodeTypes with AttributeAxis with SiblingsAxis with DocumentSplitters {

  type T = PT

  def newThis(xpathInfo: XPathInfo): XPath[T] =
    new XPath[T](xpathInfo, cbf)

  def empty: Iterable[XmlPath] = cbf().result
  def just(only: XmlPath): Iterable[XmlPath] = (cbf() += only).result

   * Allow working within the XPath, easily extend and test
  def in(f: (XPath[T]) => XPath[T]): XPath[T] =

   * Allow working within the XPath, easily extend and test
  def |>(f: (XPath[T]) => XPath[T]) = in(f)

   * Some when its only one in the result set
  def one: Iterable[XmlPath] = {
    val nodes = ScalesXml.fromXPathToIterable(this)
    if (nodes.size != 1) Nil

  def oneOr(handler: XPath[T] => Iterable[XmlPath]) = {
    val nodes = ScalesXml.fromXPathToIterable(this)
    if (nodes.size == 1)
    else handler(this)

   * Union of the two paths, they must use the same type however
   * x | x === x but only when apply fromXPathToIterable (default behaviour anyway)
   * For attribute paths only ++ on an iterable is supported.
  def |( other : XPath[T] ) : XPath[T] = 
    new XPath(XPathInfo( 
      nodes = path.nodes ++ other.path.nodes, 
      mustBeSorted = true, filterDuplicates = true, initialNode = false, eager = path.eager | other.path.eager), cbf)
  // TODO figure out unions of other paths (namespaces / attributes)

 * Pos and filter for a direct access does not flatmap.  The next / breaks the chain
class DirectXPath[PT <: Iterable[XmlPath]](override val path: XPathInfo, override val cbf: CanBuildFrom[PT, XmlPath, PT]) extends XPath[PT](path, cbf) {
  override def process(newNodes: Iterable[Iterable[XmlPath]],  info : XPathInfo = path) = {
      newThis(info.copy( nodes = newNodes ))

object Axis {

   * eager recursive unpack, better performance when its eager
  def eager_recUnpack(xmlPath: Iterable[XmlPath]): List[XmlPath] = {
    var res : List[XmlPath] = Nil

    val i = xmlPath.iterator
    while(i.hasNext) {
      val child =
      if (child.isItem) 
	res = child :: res
      else {
	// child first then its kids
	res = (child :: res ).reverse_::: (
	  eager_recUnpack(child: Iterable[XmlPath]) )

   * Possibly lazy recursive unpack, used by l_\\ and descendant
  def lazy_recUnpack(axis : Axis)(xmlPath: Iterable[XmlPath]): Iterable[XmlPath] =
    xmlPath.flatMap { child =>
      if (child.isItem) axis.just(child) 
      else {
	// child first then its kids
	axis.just(child) ++
	lazy_recUnpack(axis)(child: Iterable[XmlPath])


 * Base trait for XPath Axis, also provides common functionality
  trait Axis {
    import Axis._

    type T <: Iterable[XmlPath]
    val cbf: CanBuildFrom[T, XmlPath, T]

    val path: XPathInfo

    def newThis(xpathInfo: XPathInfo): XPath[T]

    def process(newNodes: Iterable[Iterable[XmlPath]], info : XPathInfo = path) = {
      val nn =
	if (path.eager) {
	  if (newNodes.exists(_.isEmpty)) // look first
	} else newNodes.filter(!_.isEmpty) // do it anyway

      newThis(info.copy( nodes = nn))

    def empty: Iterable[XmlPath]
    def just(only: XmlPath): Iterable[XmlPath]

     * x prefixed to avoid disturbing the use of an xpath as an iterable
    final def xflatMap(f : Iterable[XmlPath] => Iterable[Iterable[XmlPath]] ) =
      process( path.nodes.flatMap( f ) )

    final def xfilter( f : Iterable[XmlPath] => Boolean ) = 
      process(path.nodes.filter( f ) )

    protected final def xlast( onN : Int => Boolean ) : XPath[T] =
      xfilter{ x => onN( x.size) }

     * Equivalent to [last() > n]
    def last_>(n : => Int): XPath[T] =
      xlast( _ > n )

     * Equivalent to [last() < n]
    def last_<(n : => Int): XPath[T] =
      xlast( _ < n )

     * Equivalent to [last() = n]
    def last_==(n : => Int): XPath[T] =
      xlast( _ == n )

     * Equivalent to position() = last()
    def pos_eq_last : XPath[T] =
      xmap { _.lastOption }

     * Equivalent to [position() > pos]
    def pos_>(pos : => Int): XPath[T] =
      xflatMap { path =>
	val n = path.drop(pos)
	if (n.isEmpty)

     * Equivalent to [position() < pos]
    def pos_<(pos : => Int): XPath[T] =
      xflatMap { path =>
	val n = path.take(pos-1)
        if (n.isEmpty)
    def pos_==(p: => Int) = pos(p)

     * 1 index based, per spec, but unsure if it should be
    def pos(pos: => Int): XPath[T] = 
      xflatMap { path =>
	val n = path.take(pos)
	if (n.size != pos) 

    /** Parents of these paths */
    def \^ : XPath[T] =
      /* must process dups
       * flatten, only each elem should get through anyway
      process(path.nodes.flatMap { path =>
	path.flatMap { x =>
          if ( empty
          else one(just(
      }, path.copy(initialNode = false, direct = false))

    /** simply forwards the current context, element\item specific versions exist that step downwards in document order */
    def \ : XPath[T] =
      newThis(path.copy(initialNode = false, direct = false))

     * all children unpacked, normal xpath requires the context in E1/E2, which hugely complicates things, so \ is this, \+ is \ in the case where unpacking is needed
     * which just leaves \* varieties for elements.
    def \+ : XPath[T] =
      process(path.nodes.flatMap {
        _.flatMap { child =>
          if (child.isItem) just(child)
          else one(child) //: Iterable[XmlPath] 
      }, path.copy(initialNode = false, direct = false))

     * All descendants, uses XPathInfo eager to choose an implementation
    def \\ : XPath[T] = {
      val f = 
	if (path.eager) eager_recUnpack _
	else lazy_recUnpack(this) _

        (if (path.initialNode) path.nodes // crazy initial expression thing 3.2 in
        else List())
          ++ path.nodes.flatMap { f },
	 path.copy(initialNode = false, direct = false))

    final def xmap( f : Iterable[XmlPath] => Iterable[XmlPath] ) =
      process({ f })

    /** filter through the current matches */
    final def filter(pred: XmlPath => Boolean): XPath[T] =
      xmap{ _.filter(pred) }

     * simple test for string equality
    final def ===( textValue : => String ) = 
      filter(x => XmlPathText.text(x) == textValue)